Saturday, October 8, 2011

Moving Supervisors!

We of the Local Kitteh Teamsters 42-KT have officially begun the process of supervising mom's packing process. Apparently she's moving us to 'a better kitchen'. Which, while fine and dandy, does not mean our human knows a THING about packing.

We cats - we are ment for such things.

Now of course being senior kitty, I get final say in ALL box placements. Donut supervises filling them with mama's junk. But finding just the right box feng shui is MY job as senior supervisor in charge of all things that impact the felines.

Locations must be repeatedly TESTED. Adjustments made for comfort, lighting, spiritual flow... it's just not something mama can grasp.

The Donut... he's learning. He's still working on test number one, however - Napping Potential of Chosen Location. He's not ready to be fully in charge of box placements.

Of equal importance is - Does this box placement make ME look GOOD? What is the posing potential?

He doesn't tend to change locations often enough to test this out. *sigh* Boys. They're happy where ever they flop down.

We are not... *yawn*

Meet my leetle friends. This is paw one - fernando. And paw two - george. One day they will grow up big and strong and will single paw-edly take down Apocalypse Mousie...

I should have never told him that story...

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